Welcome to another Premiere Pro tutorial!
How to Create a Glitch Transition in Premiere Pro:
Step 1:
- Create an Adjustment Layer
- Make its length 12 frames, 6 frames on each side
Step 2:
- Go to “Effects” Panel
- Add the Effect “Gaussian Blur” on the Adjustment Layer
- Adjust its blurriness to 12
Step 3:
- Go to the “Effects” Panel
- Add the effect “Magnify” on the Adjustment Layer
- Go to Frame 3
- Click on the stopwatch next to “Center” and “Magnification”
- Adjust the center values to 947 by 540
- Adjust the magnification to 104
- Go 2 frames forward
- Adjust the center values to 566 by 540
- Adjust the magnification to 158
- Go 1 frame forward
- Click on the Stopwatch next to “Opacity”
- Go 1 frame forward
- Adjust the opacity value to 0%
- Go 2 frames forward
- Adjust the center values to 947 by 540
- Adjust the magnification value to 104
- Adjust the opacity value to 100%
- Change the Shape to “Square”
- Change the size value to 556
- Change the blending mode to “Multiply”
- Select all keyframes, Right Click and choose Hold
Step 4:
- Repeat the previous step multiple times with different values to achieve different transition styles.
We hope you enjoyed this tutorial and found it helpful in your creative journey.
Until next time!